METAL ART -- Our metal art ranges from $9 to $125. All items can be accessorized with small, colorful, magnetic beads for $1 per bead


Sunflowers come in 4', 5' and 6' overall heights and they are designed to be stuck into the ground by 3" to 6".

All of the sunflower heads come off their bodies, so if you see a head you like but want a different height, that's a piece of cake to get right.

The 4' and 5' versions have two petals on the stem and the 6' version has three petals.

The pricing on these are typically is $115, $120 and $125, but you may find different (and better) pricing at some of our shows.


Dragon flys come in small, medium and large.

The small has about an 18" wing span, the medium has about a 22" wingspan and the large is BIG with a 44" wing span (and a 6' tall post)!

The pricing on these are $25, $40 and $110.

We offer posts from 1' to 5' tall, custom cut while you wait.


Butterflies come in small and medium

The small has about an 18" wing span, the medium has about a 22" wingspan.

The pricing on these are $25 and $40.

We offer posts from 1' to 5' tall, custom cut while you wait.


Hummingbirds are my most popular item.

These are $40.

We offer posts from 1' to 5' tall and I can also make a squiggly post at no charge!


These are $25.

We offer posts from 1' to 5' tall and I can also make a squiggly post at no charge!

2-D Silhouettes - Medium

We offer a half dozen or so silohuttes including a flying pig, several cats, a daisy a pig and maybe a few others

These are $16

We offer posts from 1' to 5' tall and I can also make a squiggly post at no charge!

2-D Silhouettes - Small (aka Plant Stakes)

We offer a two dozen or so silohuttes including a frogs and suns and seasonal items.

These are $9 each and 3 for $25

We offer posts from 1' tall.

We have have more items but this is the general offering. Check out our pics on Facebook for lots more images!!

ADDRESS PLAQUES -- Our Address Plaquess start at $99 each.

We started a line of aluminum address plaques with brushed or painted finishes in 2009. We were using cnc plasma to cut the aluminum and the process worked, but it was not ideal or scalable.

We are reviving that line of products now with a new material (aluminum composites and acrylics) and with new manufacturing (cnc routing and cnc laser).

Below are images of the old products as well as a new prototype. Our new line will also include the option of reflective material between layers. That new option will make us the only aesthetically attractive plaques with a very high visibility option in the market place.

We are working on vendors now... stay tuned for more!!